Hello there! Daniele Here, Software Dev

Lately I've been working on:

  • Frontend React App

  • Backend Serverless AWS Lambda API in NodeJS

Checkout my GitHub, LinkedIn and CV Pages linked inside the menu above

This is intendend to be a portfolio-like website, but it is still a WIP, mainly used to experiment and learn something new (Currently NextJS and other UI things)

Featured posts

Understanding the AWS Lambda Runtime: Insights on the Execution Environment and Language Proficiency

A personal logbook in understanding what lies between Firecracker VM and the Node.js user function in AWS Lambda, one of the most famous managed FaaS environment

Last Modified: May 14, 2023, 09:20 PM UTC

Life/work balance, or Work/life balance?

The promise of a better life for the good few and a vain hope for many others

Last Modified: Nov 04, 2022, 10:48 PM UTC

AST - From Refactor to Lint in (J/T)S(x?) codebases

First try to get AST sorted out, what AST and why it’s so important to know it

Last Modified: Mar 25, 2023, 11:29 PM UTC

Faster fingers, faster thoughts

Does faster brain-human interaction speed up the whole thing?

Last Modified: Feb 24, 2022, 02:11 PM UTC

2024 DL